Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fun day at the hospital

Today, Jim and I are sitting here at LDS Hospital all day. It is 9:00 AM. Jim will be doing all of the necessary tests and preps for his hospitalization. He is super excited today because he gets yet another bone marrow biopsy. This makes number six. Not a fun procedure.

Now it is 3:00 and Jim just finished his biopsy and is taking a pulmonary function test. He is pretty drugged up right now because they gave him medicine for anxiety before they drilled his bone. Of course now he is drugged and relaxed but never enough during it. Next is an EKG and Echo and then we can go home. One of the doctors was sick today so we had a lapse in time. We went over to the temple and walked around the visitors center. It was nice and peaceful. Kind of puts things into prospective which is nice.

Tomorrow, Jim is planning on spending the day here at the hospital again, but this time it is with his brother, Evan. Evan will be coming in from California and gets to do all of his tests tomorrow in preparation for being Jim's donor. Then, he comes back in a couple of weeks and stays for about a week harvesting his stem cells. I am sure he is really looking forward to it. Just how you want to spend time bonding with your brother. I am sure their are other things they would rather do together like jump out of airplanes, bungee jump, hike the Himalaya's, pan for gold, hunt wild boar, etc.

Anyway, we got home at 6:30. Long day and more to come.