Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jim Update

Jim is still in the ICU but improving. They took out his breathing tube yesterday so he was very happy about that. He is just on an oxygen mask now. He will hopefully be transferred back up to the bonemarrow floor in a day or two.

Tomorrow puts Jim in the hospital 1 week. So to date Jim has spent 14 weeks in the hospital since the beginning of March. Yikes.

Now we just need to make sure he continues to not bleed and get his graft vs. host under control. The doctors have decided that the walnut size mass in his lungs is most likely fungus or mold. Jim's brother Bob is convinced it is just a hairball.

Despite Jim's weakness, he is doing the work in order to get stronger. He made two laps around the unit today. Go Jim Go. It is going to take some time to get him stronger. Spencer looked at his legs the other day and said "Dad, you have Barbie Legs." He does indeed.

Today I AM THANKFUL to see no breathing tube, Jim sitting in a chair and walking the unit. He is a "MANIMAL."

1 comment:

  1. Hee! Hairball - that's funny! I'm really glad to hear things are going better.
