Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 67 Post Transplant

This last week has been a challenge. Last Tuesday we went to the clinic and it was a very rough day. We woke up in the morning and Jim kept passing out. He was so week, I kid you not, 4 people (2 men and 2 women)had to carry him to the car. Realize that means an indoor flight of stairs and an outdoor flight of stairs. Jim is a large man so that was a chore. When we got to LDS Bonemarrow clinic, they almost admitted him. His blood counts were very off and his platelets were dangerously low. He got 2 units of blood and platelets. The MD thinks that because his brothers blood type is A+ and Jim's was b+ that Jim's blood is trying to convert over. Apparently he is 90% converted but there is a part of Jim's B+ blood that is attacking the A+ blood. This is not a rejection of the transplant but just a hurdle to get through. Also the medicine that they are giving him for the CMV infection is depleting his platelets. Also his white count is low. So, Wednesday he felt a little better now that he had some blood. We are just watching him very closely now and went to the hospital for blood draws on Thursday and Sunday. He needed a white blood count stimulator (shot) on Thursday and Sunday. On Sunday his platelets were even lower than on Tuesday and he needed more platelets. Today he feels pretty bad again so I am expecting that he will need more blood tomorrow. Hopefully we can forgo the carrying to the car part. The MD told Jim that he is a work in progress. She told him that this will be a tough time, but they will get him through it. I think on these transplants they are used to things coming up and just putting out fires as they come.

On Sunday Sarah had a talk in church, Nate was being introduced for graduating from primary and I couldn't go to church because I had to take Jim to the hospital for a blood draw. These kids are troopers. I heard Sarah's talk was fabulous. I told the kids I was so proud of them doing all of these things even when their parents can't come. Spencer said "Parents, we have parents?" It definitely is taking a village right now to raise my kids. Sunday afternoon the bishop came over and Jim sat at the side of the bed and ordained Nathan a deacon. It took all of his strength to sit there and place his hands on Nathan's head but it was a very special experience.

Tomorrow, we have a clinic appointment at LDS Hospital so we will see where we are at.

Today, I AM THANKFUL FOR special friends that I can call and say "Help me carry my large husband to the car, or friends that come running when I say "I am having a melt down" or friends that show up with dinner when we are delayed at the clinic until 8:30 at night. We don't even have to ask. Most of the time I don't even know what we need. So it is nice when friends and family are in tune enough to know what we need before I even know we need it. (Does that even make sense?) Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing to do this even when your life is so topsy turvey. It means a lot to all of us who watch and pray. The news is not always what we want to hear, but it is so good for us to know that this is a slow and difficult process. Bless your kids! They are terrific!
